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1st Pomona Valley Craft Brewery Tour


Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/185158565027177/

Map link: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zuIChSE9l9Gw.kk-vPNQzrzI8


1:30p at Sanctum Brewing Co., 560 E. Commercial St., Unit #21, Pomona, CA 91768 (east end of building, around the side; http://goo.gl/Y3m8w3)

REGROUP 2:45p at Montclair Transcenter (Metrolink) Station, 5091 Richton St., Montclair, CA 91763 (for those arriving by #bikesonboard Metrolink 364/ 367 meet at the top of stairs in EAST parking lot, east of bus loading zones where train riders coming in from Los Angeles must use to exit platform)

End: Sanctum Brewing Co., four hours later

Cost: Free! (Bring money for food/ drinks)

Age: 21+ to drink


From the Facebook events page:

Come ride 13 miles with us to hit up three craft breweries, all by bicycle.

Sanctum Brewing Co. officially opened their doors on January 23, 2014. What better way to showcase what Pomona Valley has to offer than by rolling by the new (and familiar) by bicycle?

We're meeting up at Sanctum (before it opens), regrouping at Montclair Transcenter to pick up any riders who brought their #bikesonboard Metrolink and pedaling over to Dale Bros Brewery and Claremont Craft Ales before winding down the evening back at Sanctum Brewing Co.

Meet at 1:30p at Sanctum and roll shortly thereafter at a moderate pace (above 5mph.) It's a slight ascent to Dale Bros. but thereafter it's mostly level with a slight downhill after we depart from Claremont Craft Ales.

Here's a map with the schedule embedded at each point. (https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zuIChSE9l9Gw.kk-vPNQzrzI8)

Sanctum Brewing Co. is located at the Pomona Packing Plant and its entrance is closest to the corner of Commercial St. and Paloma Dr. Here's a Google satellite view closest to the specific location. (http://goo.gl/Y3m8w3)

This event/ ride is not sponsored by any organization and no named persons, hosts or organizers will assume any liability. The presence of members belonging to local advocacy organizations may be by pure coincidence. Nonetheless we encourage you to behave nicely, pedal safely and not imbibe beyond reasonable/ legal quantities. You need to be 21+ in order to drink.

It is highly suggested you eat before pedaling or pack a lunch. There may be food vendors at some of the breweries but come prepared, just in case. Also bring a set of lights as the return trip from Claremont to Pomona may be towards dusk. Decorate your bike if you want; the more lights to be seen by others on the road.

Rain may cause this event to be rescheduled.

We encourage riders coming from distant lands to use Metrolink's #bikecar to reach the Montclair station. If you've never taken Metrolink, here's a video on how to ride (although it's intended for CicLAvia use, same ticketing procedures apply for a Saturday Weekend Day Pass.) (http://youtu.be/c47gCK3FD5U). Riders should take train #367 from all points east (i.e. Riverside/ San Bernardino) and #364 from all points west (i.e. Los Angeles.) We will meet your trains at the Montclair Transcenter at 2:45p, on our way to Dale Bros Brewery.

Posted by pedalingcuong

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