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Beastside Mosey 2nd Anniversary Ride


The Roast didn't quite work out. All potential roastee's were unavailable, or frankly not willing to allow us the honor of attacking them in


So, were just going to ride. We're going to mosey around for 2 stops and about 20 miles. We'll return to the start at some point in the night.

We're probably going to hit the firepit with a good amount of wood.

1. Stay behind the music bike.

2. Respect the rules of the road.

3. Stay on the right side of the road.

4. Do not skid. We are not going fast enough for you to need to ever skid.

5. Stop at the lights.

6. Leave no trace.

7. Help enforce the rules.

Meet at 6th and Bixel at 9pm in the parking lot. There are stores within a few blocks of that sell any supplies you need for the ride, water,

snacks, etc. Come prepared. We do not promise any store stops. We ask that you leave no trace. Please at least pile your garbage together

so that we do our best to minimize the amount of work others on the ride will have to do to clean up after your lazy ass. We will ride at

10pm. Expect to a mellow ride. This will be a 2 stop ride returning to the start at some point before sun rise.

Posted by Avner

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