
Ridazz Roulette!

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width="500" height="375" alt="Aktive and

Chicken Leather in the 67th NELA Holiday Parade">

Figure 1. Example from previous, slightly skeevier, bike entry.

The Flying Pigeon LA bike shop, LACBC's Ride Figueroa, Stan's Bike Shop, East Side Bike Club, the
Bike Oven, Crank LA, and lots of

other local groups, lone wolves, and friends are going to ride bikes together in the NELA Holiday Parade
taking place in Highland Park

this coming Sunday, December 1, 2013.

Want to join in the fun? Kids and non-kids are 100% welcome. Be nice to others and keep things G-
rated so as not to scare the MOM



We are all gathering behind Twinkle Toes Academy (located at 5917 N. Figueroa Ave, Los
Angeles, CA 90042) at 1 p.m. on

Sunday, December 1, 2013. The parade officially starts at 1 p.m. but we don't have to be lined up until
half way through the program.

Bring your helping hands! We need help decorating our bikes, your bike, and our cargo/specialty bikes!
More on helping

CLOTHES/COSTUMES and HOW WE ROLL (see Figure 2 below)

We had a vote and the colors RED/WHITE/SILVER were voted as our colors. So, if you have clothes
that match one or all of these

colors try and wear them (you can also be a lazy-pants and just ride in whatever you woke up in, but
come on! This is a parade,

people!). Exceptions to this RED/WHITE/SILVER thing are as follows:

KIDZ (anyone under 15?): we have 20 Lil' Reindeer antlers. First 20 kids not
screaming at their grown-ups get to be

official Kiddie Bike Reindeer Adventurer Parade Ambassadors and don the sacred Lil' Reindeer antlers.
If your Lil' Reindeer Ambassador

wants to be a Hanukkah Spiderman or a Rainbow Dash X-Mas Elf that is cool too.

Please refer to Figure 2 to figure out where you belong in the Figueroa For All
NELA Holiday Parade Ride. Hint:

anyone under 15 & their grown-ups should be behind the bubble machine bike and in front of bakfiets

NON-KIDZ (anyone over 15!): no reindeer antlers for you! No, but if you want to opt

outfits we are open to tasteful holiday-themed attire.

Tasteful Holiday Themed Outfits:

  • Fixed Gear Jesus

  • La Virgen on Wheels

  • Festivus Pole Angelopes

  • Trenway Trumpet-eers

  • Eggnog Ovarian Psycos

  • Three Wolfpack Kings

  • Tall Bike Trees

  • You get the idea. You don't have to keep it Judeo-Christian either - robed Saturnalia-ists, Festivus
    pole bearers, Hanukkah Ridazz,

    Crampus-istas, Unitarians, Kwanzaa revelers, etc. Don't scare any of the kids/MOM Ridaz and we're

Please refer to Figure 2 to figure out where you belong in the Figuero For All
NELA Holiday Parade Ride. Hint:

anyone over 15 who should be in the Holiday Circle of Death unless riding the pictured cargo bikes or
holding our banner.

A group of volunteers have requisitioned a bolt of fabric that will be used to create shoulder sashes and
pennants with "FIGUEROA FOR

ALL" screen printed on them. These are going to handed out on a first-come, first-served, basis - we'd
like to get them back at the end

of the ride (so we can use them at future events).

class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4509" alt="NELA-Holiday-Parade-DRAFT" src="http://flyingpigeon-

content/uploads/2013/11/NELA-Holiday-Parade-DRAFT.jpg" width="588" height="769" />

Figure 2. Parade reference.


Please! This is no excuse! Flying Pigeon LA is going to bring 10+ single speed beach cruisers to the
rear of Twinkle Toes. Anyone not

want to deal with the major PITA of hauling their kid(s) or simply their own living corpse AND a bike to
the parade can borrow a bike from

us for the parade. Fo' free! Just bring it back to Twinkle Toes at the end of the parade and don't do too
many wheelies.


We are gathering at Twinkle Toes Academy the day before the parade to go crazy on multiple cargo
bikes, swatches of fabric, etc. to

prepare them for the parade. Come by at 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 30, 2013 and we can get busy
making this the BEST holiday

bike entry in a parade EVER!

There is a Facebook

group where those signed up for the NSA's monitoring program can coordinate their involvement in this
parade entry in real-time.

There is a Facebook Event for this ride.

Posted by ubrayj02

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