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FC Mondays


FC MONDAYS - weekly Monday Valley Bike ride

Meet at the CIRCUS LIQUOR, On the corner of Vineland and Burbank

(5600 Vineland Ave North Hollywood, CA 91601)

Meet at 8:30

Heading out at 9:00

we will be back in time for the last train ride for all of you l.a Peeps

This is not a Hustle nor is this a mosey, its a mid pace speed ride that strolls thru the streets of, sfv,l.a,
Hollywood and surrounding cities.


Bring: Tools, Tubes, Helmet, Lights, Drank n dank or w.e floats your boats, Money and w.e you think
that you will need

LEave: Bad attitude, stealing, and any other childish bull shit =]

An 818 ride led by an 818 rider for all of you to enjoy


all riders and participants ride at their own risks. no one on this ride is responsible for anyone

other than themselves. the host(s), organizers, participant or any other party associate with this ride
are not liable for

injuries or death suffered during the ride. no one is responsible for loss or damage to body or property.


Posted by Creesto

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