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LA bike polo fundraiser! ----[] o []-----



So I am curating an event to open the eve of Sat/Sep/14th. A fundraiser for our bench team to compete at the Battle for California. It shall be a great time for us to party with rad freaks, drink with the homies, and be blown away by incredible skill and energy. The details are on the flyer that this site is not letting me upload, so check it out HERE https://leagueofbikepolo.com/la-bike-polo-fundraiser-followed-by-a-friendly , but the specifics are that I am going to open the show with a fellow drummer, dual drummers him and I, shit's going to be insane (followed by 3 great acts and of course the after hours dj's so we can go late). On top of that, I currently have 10 gallons of 9% IPA brewing to be served during the cause as well. Come through!

ze POLO:

Upon awaking sunday, we can all coordinate with like food... afternoon tea or booze, then bike polo! Same regular sunday times ohhhh 3ish. Depending on how many of U come out to support and play, we can throw together a lil' 3v3 or bench (which I'd prefer since battle for cali is the following weekend).

Posted by donniePepper

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