
Ridazz Roulette!

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Dodgeball: A True Ridazz Story


Meet at Sunset Triangle (Sunset and Maltman) @ 1pm roll 2pm

Dressing as your favorite Dodgeball character is highly encouraged!!

Prizes for best costume!

We will be meeting up and moseying through LA to an undisclosed location, where we will have an
actual dodgeball tournament! Be

prepared to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!





Blankets (to sit on)

Sweat Bands (for your sweat)

Good Vibes


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pick my team?

You can pick your own team, but please keep the douche level at a minimum. Teams must consist of six
people and at least one of those

players must have lady parts and one will be the captain.

Are head shots allowed?

No asshole, let me hit you in the face and see if you like it. If you do hit someone in the face you MUST
apologize and hug it out bitch!

I don't have a team, can I still play?

Yes, for those losers that do not have their own team we will assign them to a team.

How many balls are there?

Six, dreams really do come true, right?

What happens when I catch a ball?

A player on your team returns to play and the person who threw it cries.

My man/lady bits got hit, what happens?

Learn to enjoy it.

Will there be refs?

Since we think you scoundrels can not survive on the honor system, we will provide a ref.

What should I wear?

The minimum required by law. If you wanna get serious bring the knee pads from your night job.

How will the game be played?

Six balls will placed at the center line. Each team lines up at opposite ends of the court. When the ref
blows the whistle players may run

to get a ball. If you get a ball you must take it behind the Throw Line before throwing it at the opposing
team. Once you clear the Throw

Line you may come to the Center Line to throw. Clearing the Throw Line is only required at the start of
each game.

Can I cross the center line?

No. Don't bitch like a baby if you're called out for crossing the line.

How do I get a player out?

If you hit an opposing player before the ball touches the ground. If you knock a ball out of an opposing
players hands.

Can my team hoard balls?

No fuckers, were here to play!

Can I deflect a ball?

Yes, you can deflect a ball with another ball, but if you drop your ball you are out.

Can we have subs?

Subs will not be allowed, unless they are the edible kind.

It burns when I pee, what do I do?

Um, sorry…that’s not our department

Posted by gdub

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