
Ridazz Roulette!

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MoM RidDaZ TrIaNgLe TuEsDaYz #434 of 840.... ThE ChIlL, EdDiEbOyInLA, Mosey (keep it slow!!!)


MoM RiDaZ TrIaNgLe TuEsDaYz Is a mosey tonight (meaning we are going SLOW TONIGHT!!!!) to
celebrate the life of a near and

dear friend of Mine, The MoM Ridaz, And many Midnight Ridazz. Please Party hardy to Celebrate the Life
and Times of EDWARD


quoted from Josef Bray-Ali Via Bike Oven Bullshitters Facebook group;

"That is very sad. To those who don't know, Eddie Alvarez was an orphan who grew up to become a
gangster in NELA. He was

convicted of some serious crimes and spent time in the Corcoran SHU for about 8 years. He contracted
both HIV and Hep C either

before or while in prison. On release he was hit by a wealthy person's car and was able to settle out
of court of r enough money to live

off of and go to school - graduating as a Cisco certified network engineer. Though seriously wall-eyed,
and overlooked his whole life,

Eddie had a talent for mechanical and electrical work - improvising electronics, soldering, custom coding
his many Linux boxes in his

Pasadena apartment. He stopped by the Oven when it was in my garage back in 2006 some time and I
guess I convinced him that

helping other people for free was a good idea. He started working a night in my garage by himself. He
had a gruff manner and was not

the best teacher - but he taught the way he had been taught in prison by other inmates and by friends
on the streets. He had an intense

focus when he needed to but was still that little boy who grew up in state care and never got a chance
to be much of a boy. He

established an place for himself in the LA bike riding scene - going on countless rides in various states
of sobriety, always down for a

good time, to share an evening with strangers, and to generally suspend the rules that had been so
mercilessly applied to him his whole

life while in the company of fellow Ridazz. His meth habit got out of hand, his health was no doubt
constantly in flux. I spent a lot of time

with Eddie for a few years. He was my friend, and this news makes me sad."

Meet Up Info:

... ... ... ...

MEET DATE: 8/20/13

MEET UP: 7:45 PM

MEET THE ROAD: Around 8:45PM (or 5 mins. after the soundbike shows up! which ever happens later.
Stay behind the sound


MEET SPOT: MEET AT ALAMEDA AND ALHAMBRA RD. 1 block north of Main Street and Ceaser Chavez
@ You guessed it, the triangle.

One block south of Chinatown station and 1 blk north of olivera st. (From Ceaser Chavez take Main St.
or Alameda north and you will see

it in a second or two....

across from Phillipes the Original

THE BACKGROUND (just a short timeline):

I lead it once after many others had, Noah Noway took it over, I came back, It had Died, I broght it back
to LIFE!


One week we will go east, the next, west, simple as that. Sometimes it will be Northwest and
sometimes Southeast, but just don't ask

me where were going, because I will just give you compass directions.



~Meeting New People

~Doing shit that you normally wouldn't do

~We take you places you probably haven't been before

If you have been to those places, you might not have expected to end up there again. :)

~We promise No PROMISES!

~We promise to get you back to the meet spot or a train station or at least somewhere where you can
get reoriented and re(turn) back to

where you need to be. (Note: You are still responsible for yourself, I'm just not gonna be an asshole
and get you lost)

~We have fun, explore, go where we are not allowed, and go where no one knows.

~Its not about "catching a fade", Its about getting faded

~Its not about "being Gangsta", Its about keeping it O.G.

~Its Not about getting "fucked up or Fucking up", Its about the "Oh, Fucccckkkkkkk"

~Its not about "Jacking shit", Its about looking out for each other as homies so we don't have to jack shit!

~Its about relieving the stress of the day, week, hour, whatever, and not stressing about the next day.
Its about the moment and how

that moment can become an amazing memory. So what its 2AM, we may not can buy a beer anymore
but we can go to the Denny's and

get some AYCE pancakes for the ride back home, or we can go to the beach and fall asleep to the
sunrise, or we can go to the top


~Its about camaraderie.


RIDA BACK!!!!!!!---- this means to stop and wait or else SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! We know you wanna
smash but not everyone has your

fancy bike or the skills to go as fast as you. Lets keep it a tight group and prevent getting people lost.
This also helps us have less traffic


KEEP IT TURTLE!!!---- Go SLOW!!! Like a turtle or snail pace

FLAAAATTTTTT (FLAT!!!!!!)---- This means a rider or rida has a flat tire, or maybe another mechanical
issue. PLEASE STOP when it is

safest and quickest to do so. We will be back on the road shortly.

STOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---- You will hear this most often, Just stop is all you gotta do. that simple!

ROLLING!!!---- Means that we are back in the saddle and riding. we call this sometimes to alert you that
we are rolling a red where we

would usually stop (if it is clear) or when we just left the meet spot or store stop.

CLEAR!!!!---- means that there is no traffic about to cross in front of us or coming towards us, It is clear.

CAR BACK!!!---- There is a car behind us, Move to the right so they can pass and we will not be
impeding traffic.

CAR RIGHT!!!!--- Watch out on your right hand side, there is a dangerous rolling cage there.

CAR LEFT!!!!---- Same as car right, just that this car is on the left.

DOOOOOOORRRRRR!!!!! (door)!!!!!! Watch out for the car door that is opening up ahead.

HOLE!!!!!---- watch for holes around wherever you heard the call from. If you do go through the hole,
you are likely to get a flat.






















-YOUR HUSTLE. WE WILL DROP YOU!!!!(think its impossible, Its not, I can do it and have done it before ;)

Brought to you by Louisiana and The MoM RiDaZ in co-operation with R3 (<---) Productions.(PhOnE)
(sex too sex) tree fore ohh- tree

hate wine whine


all riders and participants ride at their own risks. no one on this ride is responsible for anyone




the host(s), organizers, participant or any other party associate with this ride are not liable for



death suffered during the ride. no one is responsible for loss or damage to body or property.


Posted by louisiana

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