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Wednesday Night Outlaws


Evening Outlaws,

It appears the summer elements have assembled massive cycling enthusiasts to the bright neon lighting of our theater of smashy smash and it is with good rationale that we welcome one and all to experience the electrifying and provocative tale of concourse we call the cycling jet stream of life! However, it is not without consequence my dear riders that we should envelop ourselves and encounter noobs with what some veterans may commonly call “Pavement Pandejo Syndrome”. Be vigilant Outlaws. While your about gallivanting in the streets collecting your fair share of the road, look out for other riders with the following symptoms. Here is how to look for “Pavement Pandejo Syndrome”

1. A riders sudden urge to cut you off to appear quite swift and keen to fellow female riders who undoubtly fail to give a rats ass about how cool and fast you think you are.

2. A riders sudden urge to drift into the left hand lane after being told umpteen times to remain on the right of the lane. Riders such as these have not been officially evaluated and approved by the OUTLAW FDA however reflect all the correct symptoms of what we would classify as RCSS or “Remedial Clown Shoe Syndrome” which is a sub category of “Pavement Pandejo Syndrome”. Watch out for these fellows. They tend to put other riders in danger from their outstanding ability to piss off automobiles.

3. A riders inability to hold a line. We tend to look for a systematic symptom we call “the wobbles”, in which said rider tends to sway from left and to the right without any regard for riders directly behind that may want to quickly approach. They tend to believe that riding safe is a bit too safe for them and that Sante Claus exists.

4. A riders sudden urge to want to race every mother fucker that crosses their path while making our decent to our ending location. These riders often confuse our ride with that of a crit race and do so with the intent of making others aware that they are the fastest mother fuckers around. We respect your ability and need for speed, however, if you cannot stay behind the ride leader at all times, we will ask you to lead your monkey ass back to the Velodrome where you belong.

5. A riders sudden urge to run red lights without properly calculating the risk involved in doing so. These riders tend to do the best work with crayons and typically require bibs to eat dinner. While we understand your urgency to live on the edge, we ask that if you are riding with us, that you keep yourself alive until after the ride is over.

So there are some minor variations of PPS, but not all. Remember, to keep your eyes alert and watch your neck. This ride is quite large, so we all need to play it safe out here this Summer gents. If you are new to our group, welcome, and please be respectful of our riders. Enjoy!

We Meet every Wednesday Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

300 s Raymond Ave Pasadena Ca across from Del Mar station and directly behind congregation chapters bar.

Meet 9pm roll at 9:15 ish.

Group Page

Bring Everything you need to ride.

Ride at your own risk!

Posted by The.erod

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