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Wednesday Night Outlaws


Evening Outlaws,

Been awhile hasn't it. The great charlie in the tree that speaks through the electromagnetic waves grounded by your fancy mavic rims and the stereophonic sound spectacular of quipy fast talking illuminum bottom brackets of pure unadulterated mashy goodness back at the wheel of your quite tasty, and perhaps fruity even, theater of cycledelic NC 17 rated NSFW, space ship mother board of cycling funk we call. The OUTLAWS. The quite noisy bunch of uncivilized civilians in a civilized yet secretly uncivilized world of pure civilized cycling power houses of energy conserving primitive street indians are at it once again. Lets have a moment of silence for the streets Outlaws. This week. We are taking it back. For the new faces, for the racers, for the kits, for the cut off shorts, for the late nights,and more importantly, for the OGs. If we have not yet extended our greesy fingers in welcoming you all. Lets tip our hats fellers and welcome all to the ..THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT OUTLAWS! Welcome to the darkside!

-OUtlaw Team

Facebook Event


Facebook Group


Meet at 9pm leave at 9:15pm

Across the street from Del Mar station gold line

300 s Raymond Ave @ Crown Roots Clothing Shop, located behind (Congregation Bar) In Old town Pasadena.

Bring everything you need to ride.

Disclaimer: Ride at your own risk. You are responsible for yourself. We do not take responsibility for you no matter what your age. Be careful and follow all traffic signals.

Posted by The.erod

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