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Central Avenue Experience- From Watts to Downtown LA


Join the Southeast Bicycle Alliance and T.R.U.S.T. South LA as we ride down the central ave corridor from
Watts to Downtown LA. We are riding to promote safer and pedestrian friendly development of the Central Ave

We will be starting the ride from WLCAC in Watts and ride down Central Ave to Downtown. Feel free to
us at any point of this ride we hope the ride gets bigger as we get closer to Downtown.

When? / ¿Cuando?

- Sunday March 24 / Domingo 24 De Marzo

-10 AM

Meeting Location? / ¿Lugar de Encuentro?


10950 South Central Avenue, Watts, Ca.

End Location? / ¿Ubicación Final?

- Pershing Square

410 West 5th St., LA, Ca.


There is the option of PARKING at WLCAC and riding out and taking the metro blue line back to Watts


- There will be NO be street closures! We are exploring possible routes for a closed BIKE FRIENDLY
street event in 2013!

- For your safety PLEASE wear helmets if possible.

- Children MUST always wear helmets (under 18)!

- We ask for parents to keep the children in the most inner lane.

- This ride is FAMILY oriented so please keep in mind that this is NOT a race!

- During every ride we provide ride captains to keep everyone safe, please listen to any instructions

- Try to maintain your lane and not cut off any riders to avoid accidents.

This information is recommended to keep all riders safe and most importantly to follow all laws and leave
good impression to the residents and cities!


Who are we?

As a committee our mission is to strengthen our community of bike riders, open our streets to bicyclists
all types, and rebuild our roads to promote bicycle friendly riding. We strive to build awareness about the
of SouthEast Cities, and ultimately build a healthier, stronger, and more united community of bike riders.

What is our goal?

Mobilize bike riders throughout the Southeast Cities (which includes but is not limited to South
Gardens/ Lynwood/ Compton/Watts/Maywood/Walnut Park) to unite, rebuild, and create positive changes for
bicyclists in our communities.

any questions/inquiries please email ciclaviasoutheast@gmail.com

Posted by Mel.

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