
Ridazz Roulette!

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MoM Ridaz Presents! Wasted WeedSide Wednesdayz #12


Where: @ Crank Mob park , Venice/Culver

Meet @ 7:45


The Purple leaf hasn't been seen for awhile.... Until Now! :D


^^gets updated if the ride is cancelled or something happens ^^^



Come out and enjoy the city at its finest! We shall explore the city from east to west to weast, to north
and south.

This is a PAAARRRRTTTYYYYY ride , no riders left behind, we will
regroup when we have to

Sooooooooo lets go have some fun! We keep it fun, we keep it spicy, we keep it chill, we keep it safe
and most importantly we keep it


we will have 2 or 3 stops, with 1 or 2 liquor stores, we shall end around 12ish, depending on what
happens with the night.

No negativity, no racism, no fighting, no tagging, no stealing, no swerving. please hold your line and call
out all stops, turns, and pot holes.

oh and no mooching! haha with that being said



Your Dank








If you have any questions or need to catch yup with us, text/call me @ 310 880 7336

my name is Mikey and i approve this message
Me and the other host are not responsible for an injury, stolen or damaged property while on this ride ,
everyone is responsible for themselves and only themselves. Follow the rules if you don't I'll drop you like a
hot potato :D

Posted by smokeymcpot13

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