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Call to Action: $3Billion to "fix" the streets?



Starbucks Los Angeles and E 1st St.



Los Angeles City Council Meeting City Hall

The short: The measure being proposed would fund more of the same "cars first" street design that keeps Los Angeles grid locked and the streets beat up from the feet up.

As reported in Streetsblog: Last week, two of Los Angeles’ newest Council Members, Mitch Englander and Joe Buscaino, made news by announcing a campaign for a $3 billion bond to fund road repair on L.A.’s worst streets. The “Los Angeles Emergency Local Street Safety and Traffic Improvement Measure” would need a two-thirds vote of city voters in March and would create a twenty year real-estate tax that would be bonded against to fix the 31% of city roads that rate either a “D” or “F” on road conditions in the next ten years.

Sounds great right? Big problem is that this proposed measure does nothing to guarantee a change in character from the usual car-centric / cyclist pedestrian hostile configuration currently available.

This Wednesday we have a chance to change that by DEMANDING that this measure include real language that would obligate the city to implement the bike plan and dedicate a significant proportion of money to pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks and crosswalks as the streets get repaved.

JOIN the growing list of people and ORGS who will be speaking at City Council chambers.


Meet this Wednesday Morning

gather 8am-8:30am

Los Angeles and 1st street Starbucks

(anyone who cant make it want to donate for a coffee carton? Paypal donate_to@midnightridazz.com)

We go over our comments at the seating circle (like last time) so that we arent repeating each other's points and we generally work out a unified ask.

Walk over at 9:15am

Gather our speaker cards into one stack and hand it over so we can all ask in one bloc of voices during public comment.

We reach out to the bike/walk friendly city council contacts we have in between now and Wednesday and do what we can to influence this.

Attending thus far:

Don Ward

Meghan Kavanagh

Kelly Martin

Joe Borfo

Jessica Meaney

Dan Dabek

Deborah Murphy

Jim Shanman

Eric Bruins

Josef Ali



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