
Ridazz Roulette!

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Cockturnal Emissions


Homeboy Bakery 130 Bruno St. and Alameda

Meet @ 8 | Roll @ 8:30 SHARP!| Unless you call one of us

To Ride: You must be PRO Main Vein, Skin Flute, Cockasouras Rex, Ol' One Eye, and his other meat pole brotherin

such as The Great Baby Arm, The Fierce Beef Bayonet, The Might Pork Sword, and The All Powerful Tonsil Tickler.

We dedicate this ride to support man-ism, jism, mens rights, reform of family court, selective service, anti-male stereotypes,

to counter manginas and feminaizism, and to restore balance to the force.

Bitching about the matriarchy, abuse, and anti-male violence is strongly encouraged.

So is trying to find a way to help out brothers being driven into penury, homelessness,

and having their identity stripped from them but the merciless Vag focused society.

We're Standing up by sitting down and riding our bikes.

We are riding for solidarity, to examine our packages for lumps, to talk about maintaining a rock garden,

manscaping, and mostly just do what men do best.

Have a Great Fucking Time!



Bring: MONIES!!! Tubes, Patches, Tools, Lights, Locks, Water, Smoke, Positive Vibes and whatever makes you happy


We'll be making 3 Stops:

1)Booze (Pick up)

2) Bonding (Drink/smoke up)

3) Burgers (Eat up)


As much as we are No Ridazz left behind, we assume no responsibility for any Ridazz or their property.

Have a Buddy!


Posted by poke-a-dots

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