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All-CityBrewCrew 710MOVEMENT RIDE


all invited to come explore the southeast a bit with the All-CityBrewCrew 710MOVEMENT RIDE ***BACK TO REGULAR TIME AND MEET SPOT*** Wednesday meet at 7:30 @ the Lakewood Blvd Green Line station roll @ 8:00

all riders are welcome and we mean it!!! we ride as a group we dont smash off on people there are no hills to lose anybody on we dont leave anyone behind unless they chose to be left period

below are links to awesome videos Snow made of a couple rides BrewCrew has attended

MOST GAY ASS WACK ASS AND GOES BEAST ON UR MOM RIDE AKTIVES BIG 30 B-DAY video link belw (copy and past to browser)


SPOK-N LBC TEAM-EPIC video link belw (copy and past to browser)


MIDNIGT RIDAZZ MARS ATACKS video link belw (copy and past to browser)


HIGHLY RECOMEND you join the rides facebook group for any questions, sugestions, and all the latest ride info at the link below


if ur anti-facebook i feel bad for u call/text Dabber Dan 562-674-5235

i ALSO recommend bring spare tubes/patches/tools and what not







positive attitudes

couple bucks for whatever

and or what ever else makes u happy

please leave the b.s. behnd. No littering, tagging or any form or disrespect towards my community will be tollerated YOU WILL BE LEFT!!!!

that said

we ride as a group no riders left behind but no rider assumes any resposibility for any other riders person or property


Posted by Dabber Dan

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