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stenilitis workshop we 10/17 7pm ride your ass down there/ with vincent Bono before he jets to chicago


Stencil NIght with Vince Bono wed 10/17 to raise some money for the bike polo tournament

Published by blackwomansidekick on October 15, 2012 in art, bicycles, events and information. 0 Comments Edit

WE GOT STENCILITIS AND THIS TIME ITS LEGIT…come see the new polo show /buy some cheap ass awesome art and this wed there

will be a stencil workshop with one of the artist.

what to do/ how to do it?

bring a photo/copy of a picture or a bunch of them with extreme contrast, if you don’t have a printer send it to yourself in an email and we

can print it at the oven. He’ll show you how to make 2 and 3 part stencils. He leaves for chicago in a week so get this knowledge from one

of the best stencilers around plus you’ll be supporting bike polo LA. Can I put a word out there about this, saturday is bike day at the la

county fair and polo teams from all over the united states will come here to play a tournament but they need money to build the courts and

quick. please come down and help out buy some art or contribute some doe anything will help.


3708 figueroa bike oven

Posted by veronica

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