
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

*****THE MOST GAY ASS, WACK ASS RIDE you will find on this october 1st, 2012 simply because Aktive, Abel and Detox dont have to go to work tomorrow: kick back/ ride/ chill/ slash...cruise... slash... smash... slash *****oh yeah its bike angeles!!!


so yeah, i dont have to work tomorrow... so im just posting this up....

maybe we will ride, maybe we will chill...

maybe we will ride to go chill somewhere..

who knows...

The point is why dont we just meet up and have a good time together.


730ish pm
Hollywood and Vermont Triangle


ride sometime after we ALL meet

We may or may not end up taking a dip in some water, so if you want to get wet, bring some swim
shorts/suits... not guaranteed we'd hit water...


Positive attitudes

things to share with others.

working bikes






and some cannabis lol


negative attitudes








all riders and participants ride at their own risks. no one on this ride is responsible for anyone other


the host(s), organizers, participant or any other party associate with this ride are not liable for injuries

death suffered during the ride. no one is responsible for loss or damage to body or property.



Posted by Aktive_420

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