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Burbank Bike-In Movie! Free food and refreshments.


Helllooooooooo Bicycle Riders!

The City of Burbank is hosting a bike ride to a Bike-In-Movie!

This family friendly event will begin at the Community

Services Building with a Bike Safety Workshop and a Flat Fix

How-to session.



Bike Safety Workshop 2pm

Learn basic traffic safety skills, lane positioning,

door-zone, proper etiquette, doorzone, and avoiding

hazards on the road.

Flat-Fix How-To Session 4pm

Lots of folks get a flat and that's the end of it. The bike

goes into the garage, collects dust and eventually becomes

a craigslist gem... Not if we can help it! While we won't be able

to provide free tires and tubes, we WILL be able to educate

you on how to properly repair a flat. It would be a good idea

to stop by a shop on your way here and grab an extra tube

or a new tire. We will show you how to install it and fix that

flat next time it happens. We don't want that beautiful bicycle

collecting rust! We want you to ride!

Community Bike Ride to the Bike-In-Movie 5pm

Now that we've got you thinking safety and your bike is in

order, its time for a little riding! Don't worry, the route is

easy and about 2 miles in length. There is even a short cut

for the kids just in case "they" run out of steam.

Bike-In-Movie / Picnic 7pm

After our ride, we will be settling in at McCambridge Park

where FREE food and refreshments will be awaiting.

We will have sandwiches with vegetarian options

available, a snack and water. Yum. Then, the movie

begins. MEGAMIND! Kid friendly and fun for adults too.

See You Saturday the 22nd 2pm sharp!

Burbank Community Services Building

150 N. 3rd St Burbank 91502

Questions? PLEASE

email Cory Wilkerson Cwilkerson@ci.burbank.ca.us

or call Cory at 818 238 5206


Posted by Roadblock

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