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Ride for Justice in Beverly Hills


Paul Livingston was robbed of justice by a bungling Beverly Hills PD and an apathetic District Attorney.

FULL STORY HERE: http://la.streetsblog.org/2012/08/17/call-to-action-no-justice-for-riders-in-beverly-hills-hit-and-runs-suggests-pattern/

On Thursday August 23rd, anyone who commutes by bicycle in or through Beverly Hills is encouraged to ride out and join us for public

comment period during the next scheduled Beverly Hills City Council meeting. We will be having a public comment session about an hour

before the doors open. The Council is actually pretty personable and allows some limited back and forth discussion at times. We will be

asking specifically for justice for Paul Livingston and for Beverly Hills to protect cyclists more vigorously as a policy.

Join us and get your voice in:

Beverly Hills City Council Meeting

7pm August 23rd in Room 400

Beverly Hills City Council

455 N. Rexford Drive

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: (310) 285-1013

Fax: (310) 275-8159

Group ride from Sunset / Vermont Metro Redline Station

August 23rd meet at 4:30pm ride at 5pm

Easy paced group ride to Beverly Hills City Council

ROUTE http://goo.gl/maps/Lj6bi

Public Comment pre-meeting workshop 5:45pm

Those who plan to speak will meet at City Hall main entrance

prior to the meeting so that our speaking points are cohesive.

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Posted by Roadblock

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