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Nela Bike Polo! Highland Park ----[] o []-----


EVERY WEDNESDAY! 7pm, usually a tad late but we show up with bikes and mallets ready to play.


If u heard of it, seen it, played it, heckled at it or were too drunk to remember, come back out to hang with us! LA bike polo is takin it pretty seriously these days and we love to train for upcoming tournaments as well as kick it with the polo family. All ages and skill levels welcome and if u show up with with the right attitude we would love to toss u in a game! no bike no problem, though if u got a shitty mtn bike lying around that is a good entry level start. We have the proper gear if u wanna just try it out.

AVENUE 43 AND MOSHER (at the dead end of mosher on the tennis courts of the montecito heights rec center)

just watch this vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHs7gvJf97c
and this one - http://vimeo.com/42007150

Contact info for this ride: 3106863966 donniepepper@gmail.com
cya there sucka. ciao! der


Posted by donniePepper

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