Bike Movie Night this Sun 4/29 7pm
How could you say no to 70\'s nun porn!!!!! Come all to Ken Russell \"The Devils\" starring Oliver Reed and Venessa Redgrave (yes she did once show her boobies). I have the Special Uncut Restored Edition that has never before seen footage of this CULT MASTERPIECE. 70 minutes of extra footage that has.... wait for it.... The infamous rape of Christ scene. Set in pre- rennaisance France head priest (Reed) is a nun banging machine who\'s parish will seek to destroy him by setting him up as a worlock in control of a devil possesed nunnery. If you have ever seen Ken Russell films you know he packs his best into it! This is definately a night for film lovers to come together with like minded and enjoy CINEMA!!!!
FREE TO EVERYONE!!!!!! Over 18 please! free snacks too!!!!!!on here!
Bike Oven is at 3706 N Figueroa Highland Park 90065
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.