
Ridazz Roulette!

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MEET 7am @ SHATTO PARK >>> http://g.co/maps/9p7xh

ROLL 730am - so that we can all go to this together!

Ridazz address the LAPD Police Commission IMPORTANT



GATHERING: 8AM at Starbucks @ 1st and Los Angeles St.

LOCATION HERE: >>> http://g.co/maps/2kkj4

Police Commission @ 9AM

Coffee and donuts will be served.

Have you or anyone you know, been treated like a second class citizen just because you are riding a
bicycle or walking as a pedestrian?

Too often, the police do not treat traffic crimes very seriously. This includes follow up on hit and runs,
enforcement of speed limits and

protecting people who use marked crosswalks. Too often, a case runs cold because the police wait 2
weeks just to run a plate. Too often

drivers are let off with no citation for hitting or even killing vulnerable road users.

Enough. 2012 is the year we change the culture in Los Angeles. First stop we will be making an
appearance at the Los Angeles Police

Commission and speaking during public comment.


Picture this. 10-40 people show up, fill the gallery and respectfully represent while 4-5 designated
speakers request specific asks on behalf

of the group. We want to leave the Police Commissioners with the impression that we are serious,
organized and have very clear asks.

Here is my list of asks so far. I'd appreciate any feedback from folks out there.

1. Police must elevate the status of hit and run traffic crimes against vulnerable road users (cyclists and
pedestrians) to that of assault or of

equal urgency, no matter the severity of injury. Hit and run is tantamount to assault and robbery since
the driver is leaving the victim with

potentially huge hospital bills.

2. If evidence is gathered after a hit and run crime, license plate especially, a run on the plate must be
done within minutes/hour of the

incident being reported. A cruiser must be deployed to the owner's residence; if not within LAPD
jurisdiction, then notify appropriate police

authority. Lack of quick response results in loss of evidence, which complicates the ability of the city to

3. The driver's excuse "I didn't see them" is an admission of guilt, NOT a reason to excuse the driver,
especially if pedestrians are hit on a

painted crosswalk. I was taught that if you can't see what's in the road in front of you, you need to slow
down and stop immediately. Drivers

have to learn this. If collision results in death or serious injury, the driver must be arrested at the scene.
Even without serious injury the

driver must receive citation regardless. If crosswalk is a SRTS (yellow paint), then citation for speeding
in school zone should also apply.

4. Speed limits MUST be enforced through all means possible. If radar is not an option due to the 85th
percentile law, then old school

methods must be used. I made a request of Sgt. Krumer to inform me of LAPD's available methods of
speed enforcement aside from radar.

I'm waiting to hear back.

More background:


Posted by Roadblock


Posted by katnip

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