
Ridazz Roulette!

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Fugitives Cemitas Ride - Meet 7:30 Ride at 8:00 PM Downtown LA FLAT!


We are riding to Cemitas La China Poblana

Meet 7:30 PM, Ride @ 8PM

Meet @ Patsaouras Transit Plaza in back of Union Station in DTLA

15mph pace

Approx 34 mile point to point route starting in Downtown LA and ending at North Hollywood Metro Station.

Check out the

ROUTE here:

Meet @ Patsaouras






Meet: 7:30 PM, Ride: 8:00 PM (sharp)

The only time we leave riders behind is if they show up late.

Pace: approx 15 mph pace (on the flats)

What kind of ride is this?

This is a chill ride, but not a party ride. We actually ride, but not too


(approx. 15mph

on the



RESISTANT TIRES tubes, patches, pump, tools, water,

snacks, lights

(front + rear), camera, lock, money


Attention Guest DJs - Bring your iPods. Each week we choose one

person to

be the

Guest DJ and hook their iPod up to the system for the duration of the ride.

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an e-


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Posted by liquidpremium

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