The Bomb Squad: First Assualt
The Bomb Squad:
Downhill rally on 16” kids bikes.
Rules of play:
Your bike must have 16” wheels and must be in a stock configuration. No upgrades except the addition
of a caliper (the shittiest kind) style
brake may be added. No other upgrades or altering of stock equipment including tires may be made to
the bikes. You can of course adjust
your seat/stem/bars/brakes to your liking, not like it will help. We want to avoid an escalation of riders
throwing money into bikes that should
cost no more than ten dollars. Your bike should be a bike that can be easily replaced and will often be
adorned with cartoon characters or
images of pre-teen pop stars, in other words: junk.
You are responsible for lighting, we are going to be doing night runs so good lighting is important.
You are also responsible for your protective gear, helmets are mandatory, and everything else is
We will be going down hill in masse; bike handling skill and a lack of self-preservation are paramount in
this endeavor.
Meeting at 9pm at the intersection of Laurel Canyon and Mulholland. There is parking on adjacent
streets. We roll at 9:30 don't be late. We are going to go down to the west side and end at the light where the
little store is (kirkwood) there you bank to the right for an easy run off. Lots of twists and turns but it's not
very steep so don't expect to go that fast. There are much faster hills but for the first one. best we do
something mellow.

Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.