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Place your RIDE description here!The time is coming... The official premiere of the MONDAY NIGHT REHAB bicycle documentary, presented by FUNWUNCE SUPERGROUP.




Doors open at 11:45PM on both nights

Screening begins at 12:15AM SHARP. (real world time)

Q&A will follow both screenings

Tickets are $5

We will be selling pre-sale tickets for both nights. You will receive a special LIMITED EDITION spoke card if you pre-buy for either night. A different card for each night. Tickets bought at the door will not be supplied with an awesome cool spoke card, you\'ll just get a crummy looking ticket but a night filled with pleasant memories. You must present this spoke card to the usher at the show or you won\'t be let in and you\'ll have to spend 5 more bucks. Pre-sale tickets will go on sale this MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd. Find a Rick Darge at any ride and he will sell you one.


Our lineup...

Bike ♥

~*LOS ANGELOPES*~ by Richie T

WEST SIDE MOSEY sizzle, shot by Richie T, directed/cut by Rick Darge

MONDAY NIGHT REHAB: The Story of a Ride Leader

It will be a night of bike friendly, grass roots fun.

********If you saw the MNR doc back on Halloween, you only saw a rough draft. This will be the real deal & I\'ll be selling copies after the show for $10.

Posted by RickDarge

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