The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #112 - A Subjective History
One or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives
for movement and action, their relations, their work and leisure activities,
and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the
encounters they find there.
It's a bike ride.
Started by user nathansnider and user theroyalacademy.
It meets every Wednesday at 8:30pm
at California Donuts #21.
We ride at 9pm.
We'll endeavor to return before the last red line trains (around midnight).
On this bike ride, you might expect:
- full moon picnics
- inconvenient passageways
- "cover" versions of other people's rides, performed with amateurish enthusiasm
- amateurish enthusiasm
- disorientation
- reorientation
- pool halls
- bowling alleys
- karaoke
- geocaching
- oblique strategies
- Oulipian constraints
- traffic median tea parties
- rivers that no longer exist
- smell tourism
- Couchwick v2.0
- usually 20-30 miles
- usually some hills
- a medium pace (probably not for beginners; certainly not a hustle)
- few stops, short stops
- but we're not in a rush; we don't need to run every light
- victory donuts!
This week:
A Subjective History
It is perhaps logical that in a media-saturated age, when global
communications can transmit identical information worldwide, simultaneously,
that our understanding of recent history should swing in the opposite direction,
towards the subjective. The truly big events, we don't just think of them as
events in themselves, but often hold onto where we were when we heard
about them, what we were doing. While our particular location generally bears
little relation to any given event at hand, it nonetheless becomes part of the
story, if not the story itself. It is a way to reinsert our subjectivity into the
ever-increasing flood of objective (or pseudo-objective) facts with which we
are bombarded.
This week, rather than simply "covering" another ride's route as we have
done before, we will do a cover version of the subjective experience
of a recent ride. Running late to the meet-up, wrong turns were made.
Unnecessary hills were climbed -- then climbed again in the opposite
direction -- in a vain effort to catch up as quickly as possible. And it will all be
done from memory, so no doubt we will get it wrong. Mistakes will pile atop
mistakes like memories receding in the past; the facts will be overwritten
by our experience of the facts. It might not quite be the ride, but it will be
our ride.
For the latest information about each week's ride, join our mailing list:
For more information about past rides, visit our website:
Your point of view...
Certain shifting angles,
certain receding perspectives.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.