
Ridazz Roulette!

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(M)ONDAY (N)IGHT (R)EHAB (818) (The Sunday Morning Special)


This Sunday at 3am roll at 4am

START TIME: Start time is a 3am and we roll at 4am SHARP!!!
Not Rida time actually on the dot .....


We meet at Old Tangs Donuts ...
then we embark on a nice ride
We keep a crisp pace (13-15 mph... gets a little quicker on the way back, but not to quick)
chill 13-15 mph exploration of the good old city on the empty streets ....
We make moves ...turns, twist, around and around...
I will get you lost...
but not that lost...
everything is much closer than what it seems...
This ride has zero store stops so please come with any
food / drinks you want and or need on the ride.
Also please bring the things needed to ride (tubes, lights,
levers, etc)
Being a jackass, tagging , stealing, not obeying the rules of the road and unsafe riding will not
tolerated and you will get the boot .
So end the weekend off right with Rehab .....

Contact info for this ride:

Email ...osnapsonjc@gmail.com

You ride at your risk. So please ride responsible.

Insert fun random ride videos...

src="//www.youtube.com/v/BAsYnPCB1N0?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-
shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">

Want to know more check out the Facebook ....


Posted by OsnapsonJC

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