DONUTZZ 4: False Advertising
aka Donutzz 4: Dumplingzz
aka Donutzz 4: Shadow of the Donutzz
aka Donutzz 4: The Dream Master
aka Donutzz & Robin
aka Donutzz: Salvation
aka Donutzz 4: Nerds in Love
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Saturday, October 30
Meet at 9:30am at NoHo Station
Roll at 10am SHARP
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A little under 40 miles
Medium pace
Expect some hills
No donuts!
That's right: there are NO donut stops this time around. I kind of went overboard with
ride number three (8 stops!) and so this time I decided to change it up a bit. Thus,
instead of stopping at a billion donut shops along the way, we have one DUMPLING
stop at the end of the ride. And, let me tell you, these things are seriously good. Plan
on spending around $15 for a family-style meal and you will leave happy & STUFFED.
(Somewhat akin to The Passage...)
(But a maybe a little bit slower and a little bit longer)
(But still, you know, with some inconvenient passageways and whatnot)
Please bring: water, snacks, spare tubes, SUNBLOCK, dumpling fundzz, a positive mental attitude
Please don't bring: alcohol, drugs
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Q: No donuts? Really?
A: Really.
Q: But you're not changing the name?
A: Nope.
Q: And what kind of hills should I expect?
A: There are definitely hills. Most aren't anything special but there is indeed one
serious climb. I'd bring a road bike with gears, if I were you. That being said, that
one biggest hill isn't that long. So if you have to walk it, you can walk it. No big
deal. This isn't a ride about looking like a tough guy; this is a ride about stuffing
our faces full of dumplings.
Q: So I can bring my beach cruiser?
A: Sure, if you want to do your very own Bad Idea ride.
A: But, seriously, don't bring a beach cruiser.
NOTE: The route ends in Arcadia. This is a short
ride from the Sierra Madre Villa gold line station.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.