Spoke'n art /Check(out my bike) mate/The chess show and Nela art night ride 7pm
Yeah, it's here again Spoke'nart ride with a brand new show. Want is our artist this month and it's all about chess so dress up as a piece
and maybe we'll play chess with bikes, still figuring the legistics on that though. Aktive is bringing his tandem and hopefully team tandem will
bring theirs to do our races. Since we gave all our kiddie bikes to the kids. They'll be food and drink of some sort at the end. We go to 5 or
so galleries , all tucked away and secret. The only art night that is probably as good is culver city.
October Spoke’n art Ride/check( out my bike) mate show
Published by blackwomansidekick on October 4, 2010 in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
Get your strategy ready. We are having a chess show, yes out of no where, well where do you think these shows come from? We didn’t
make all the art on this one. This show is all one man, WANT. So come have fun this saturday very slow chill ride but for those of you who
cant help but go fast we have team fast that will take you through the hills and give you a work out. The most perfect ride, we’ve ben doing
it long enough and the art changes monthly so we see new stuff all the time. Great galleries and sponsored by Flying Pigeon bike shop and
, The bike Oven
The details : meet at 6:30 pm leave at 7pm
at Flying Pigeon/bike Oven
3706 Figueroa St highland park
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.