
Ridazz Roulette!

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Throw-down Thursdays ^-0 (TDT/TDC)


15-35+ mile ride average and the pace is always trying to be picked up so DON'T expect a party pace.
people do drop from time to time.
so please bring a bike that works =T (I need to stress that) Road or fixed it doesn't matter to me.

Meet up place will be at the Mariachi Plaza GOLD line Station corner of EAST 1st. and N. BOYLE
area code is 90033

Meet at 7:00 pm and leave at 7:45pm ish

The Return time is never certain but we tend to be back before (not always though)
the gold line and red line stop running in case that's your mode of transportation

If you're coming in a car you can park in the residential streets around

Bring what you need so you won't get stuck



Drink of your choice H2O, Energy drink, Gatorade or whatever works for you



any question look up the group on facebook but DON'T ADD JUST TO ADD because this isn't a fan
page (the rule is set for a purpose)
Click here for the TDT/TTD facebook

and nice to meet you sort of kind of =/



Posted by dnlsfr..O_^

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