VFIXII | Wed | 7pm | Norwalk
Wednesdays at 7pm.
10716 Firestone Bl, Norwalk CA.
Starbucks Parking Lot.
When else do we ride?
Join the FB Group or lurk the thread on LaFixed to be in the know.
And, as we cleanse and replenish our tired souls.
Yes, The Church of 5fix2 is re-born - and we saw that it was good.
Come worship the Setting Sun, and drink of the Blessed Wine, and enjoy the Earthly delights, with us, the
Brotherhood of Death.
Initiates find allegiance and lifelong friendships with some of the coolest people you'll meet on this shitty earth
. . . Amen.
So, let it be written.
So, let it be done.
(5fix2) (aka The Brotherhood of Death)
Meeting at Starbucks Parking Lot (10716 Firestone Blvd, Norwalk CA).
We'll be taking you to Downtown Long Beach, Downtown Los Angeles, Uptown Whittier, Downtown
Fullerton, El Dorado Park, Seal Beach, Pasadena, The Santa Fe Damn and Lion's House, or whatevs. Pace will
be decided by the riders. But usually it's a medium-fast pace. We regroup at every major turn. So, don't be
scurrred. Sometimes we may ride one way really far and take the train back. We'll most likely have a beer at
the half way point.
Biking crew serving the 562 area, since 2007.
The first 5fix2 ride was in June of 2007.
The first weekly 5fix2 ride was in March of 2008.
The core crew likes to smoke, drink, and whatevs.
But! we also like to ride fast!
Remember, Road and Fixed ONLY.
Moar! 5fix2!
Even! Moar! 5fix2!
SawTomorrow (Luis)
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.