The Super Villain Ridazz -
Friday August 31st Two Thousand and Seven
START TIME: Meet 9PM Ride:9:30pm Pioneer Chicken at Sunset and Echo Park
Are you sick of rooting for the good guy? Has the man got you down?
Tired of others asking why you are always menacingly stroking your
chin? Then look no further! A career in costumed aggression lies ahead
of you. We want you!
This is a call to all you two wheeled evil doers. Join your fellow
dastardly no-good-niks at our Super Villain Summit.
All this riding around, trying to take over the world isn't working
fast enough. We need to organize and take it to the streets.
We will congregate at a secret evil lair and embark out into the night
to run amuck, cry havoc, and paint the town an evil red.
With so many enemies of the public in one place we will turn the
wheels of destruction and cry out into the night; "Damn you (place
nemesis' name here)!" So shine those shoulder pads. Wash those tights.
Polish your death ray. On the 31 a rolling wave of calamitous intent
will flood the streets of Los Angeles. The night is ours Ridazzers!
Super Villain Ridazz - Rant by one DoodyPhree
art by: katinra paz
We're meeting up at Pioneer Chicken at Sunset and Echo Park Ave!!
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Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.