Ride to the Hollywood Sign Under a Full Moon!
So the last time I tried to take a group up to the Hollywood sign on The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time, we were chased off the mountain because we got there after the park closed. Everybody was pretty much in agreement that someone should do another ride up there, but starting earlier next time.
"Someone" is you. "Next time" is now:
Saturday, June 26.
Meet at Hollywood and Western, 8:00 PM.
Leave at 8:30 (really, no later than 8:45).
The route will be pretty indirect, with stretches of dirt, but it will be just about the easiest climb that you could take to get up there. It's not a hustle. We'll wait for the slowest riders. But we've also got to get to the top before 10:30, so any stops we make will be short.
Words and stuff here.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.