What’s your name (optional) and/or your Midnight Ridazz log-in name?
Most people know me as Sir Bryan, but my login handle is BMFW (yes, it stands for exactly what you think it does). Don't post too much on MR, but if I do, there's usually sharks involved.
How did you first hear about Midnight Ridazz and what was your first group bike ride?
I first heard about this ride called C.R.A.N.K. Mob from a coworker when I moved out here in the summer of 2008. Did the July 08 C.R.A.N.K. Mob, and when my knees finally gave out from running marathons last May, I shifted full-gear into MR, helping Richie with C.R.A.N.K. Mob and
expanding to other rides.
Currently what rides do you attend regularly and what ride(s) would you like to see make a comeback?
After doing the party/chill rides for a while, I started doing CubCamp, Root Run, and the now-defunct Caturday Warriors, and eventually lied/cheated/bribed my way on to Team Touch. It’s currently racing season, so I've backed away from the slower rides for a bit. I just got back on my bike recently from an accident and a broken elbow, so I've been stuck indoors on my trainer, so I really haven't been around on rides. Now that I'm back, expect to see me at Wolfpack Hustle, Root Run, and CubCamp for the time being (or be uber-awesome and come out and see Team Touch race!). When the summer rolls around, who knows? Westside Mosey, Bear Cavalry, Pier Pressure, Sexed-Up Sundays, Taco Tuesdays, Venice/Santa Monica Critical Mass...I hear all of their siren calls.
Though, I'd give my future first-born to see ROBOTZ make a comeback. You hear that, AT? Bring it back or pass it on to capable leaders! I'd also like to make a personal comeback to Team Taco Tuesday Training. All my races are on Sundays, so I can't make it anymore, but I want to see how
strong they've all gotten since I rode with them last. (GO SUPPORT TEAM TACO TUESDAYS FOR ALC!)
What advice would you pass on to new ridazz?
Don't be a dumbass; respect your fellow ridazz. You can party and drink and have a good time without ruining other people's fun, ridazz and drivers. Talk to other ridazz; everyone's got at least one interesting story to tell. Hold your line, respect the ride leaders, and don't try
to speed up the slow rides. You want to go fast, come out to WPH, RR, or CC, and we'll make you sweat.
If you were leading a group ride, what would you do differently?
I've done a couple of small-scale rides (both fast and chill), and I realize the amount of work that goes into keeping a group of ridazz together as one cohesive unit. With that being said, I think the leaders of the big-time rides that are still kicking are doing everything right, and anything I'd do differently than then would be a step in the wrong direction. You can't keep a ride like The Ride With No Name running for this long if you're not a good leader. *slow clap*
Do you prefer small rides (30 or less people) or larger rides and why?
I like doing smaller rides regularly, and then throwing in a big ride every once in a while. Smaller rides are more intimate and close-knit: chances are you know the ridazz on the ride, or if you don't, you'll know them by the end of the ride. Big rides are great for the sheer
magnitude of F.U.N., but I can burn myself out on the experience if I do too many in a row.
*Tell us about the best and worst experience you’ve encountered on a group ride.
BEST: July 2008 C.R.A.N.K. Mob. It was just completely unlike anything I'd ever been on before. I've been on better rides since then, but just that initial sense of wonder and awe is something I'm never going to be able to replicate.
WORST: There was a stretch of time when Taco Tuesdays got really sketch, and there'd be a rash of stealing from stores and even bikes at stops. I remember spending any rests standing outside of whatever store we had stopped at and making sure no one stole anything, which is the antithesis of F.U.N. XL, Cesar, and Uncle Richard have a fantastic ride and they've turned it back around to the awesome that it was and should be, but a few bad apples really ruined it for a bit.
What did you do for fun before you started “riding”?
I played Ultimate frisbee for 3 years in college, then started running marathons when I moved out here. Anything to help me relieve the stress of grad school (~3 years until Sir Dr. BMFW!). Also, Brett's mom. Though, I guess I still do that last thing...and I guess it could be considered "riding."
What’s the best and worst thing group bike rides have done for cycling as a whole in Los Angeles?
As silly as it sounds, MR and the bike scene in LA has made cycling seem cooler than it would have been otherwise. I'll talk to people completely removed from biking, and they'll know about C.R.A.N.K. Mob or Critical Mass, and they'll want to hear stories about it.
Worst thing? Well, some of the larger rides have made traffic hate us more, and I think cops are
a bit less sympathetic to younger cyclists whether or not they're associated with MR or LAFixed or what not. But maybe that's just me being paranoid.
If you can name 1 person who embodies the spirit of > “Midnight Ridazz”, Who would it be and Why?
It’s hard to pick just one person, because everyone brings their own little part of MR to the whole, but I'll go with Jonnyboy. The Westside Mosey has been the Westside's best-kept secret, and I have yet to go to one where we haven't stopped or gone by a completely new or awesome part
of LA. Plus, have you seen Jonnyboy's new bike? He got it just so he could bring the party even harder. That's dedication, people.
What do you think the public’s perception is of group bike rides?
A counter-culture that is either just having fun or is out to wreak havoc. It all depends on who you ask. If someone knows a rida, then they'll lean toward the former. If they don't, or if they've got a major stick up their ass, they'll lean toward the latter. Don't prove them right.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
If you're at all interested in getting into bike racing, contact Team Touch. We're always looking for new talent!

Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.