Stairway to Heaven
A short but intense ride from Hancock Park to the geographic center of Los Angeles and back, with an
optional loop around Griffith Park to be voted on at the turnaround point.
The centerpiece of the ride is a climb up into a well-hidden nature preserve with lake in the very midst
of the city, which includes the geographic center of the City of Los Angeles. There is also a small museum
there. The area is bucolic, almost Edenic, and well worth the effort, which can be considerable, as the next
section explains.
The ride involves two short but extremely steep climbs, several miles of moderate climbing, and some
steep descending. There will also be some traffic to deal with on part of the ride. If you wish to come along,
make sure your bike is in good shape (especially the brakes), that you are comfortable in traffic, and that
you are in good cardiovascular condition. (You can also walk the two steepest parts of the ride, as they are
fairly short.) Bring water and a snack.
We will meet at the parking lot of Hancock Park (the Tar Pits park), on the west side of Curson Ave.
between Wilshire Blvd. and 6th St, between La Brea and Fairfax. Map:
Meet at 9AM, depart at 9:30AM sharp. This is a no-drop follow-the-leader type ride; all participants are
responsible for their own safety. We will obey all traffic regulations (bicycle as vehicles, no corking of
intersections, etc.), and we will regroup periodically so that more leisurely riders can catch up.
Message Board (click here to discuss
this ride.)
Contact info for this ride:
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.