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Every year on this day, it is tradition to remember and festively celebrate the lives of people in our lives who leave this place to a world beyond, a fate which we all share and duly respect. In conjunction with the Canoga Park Youth Arts Center there will be a massive procession for El Dia de Los Muertos in honor of those who have passed and those who have passed while riding our most beloved of apparatuses, bicycles. It is also a movement representing the West Coast of Southern California and to clearly demonstrate the most pure form of unity we all experience, as we ride together or alone, risking our lives every day on the road to our destination whether it be to 7-11, or to the grave.

On this Sunday afternoon, we will begin to converge at the car-park of the Pierce College/Winnetka Metro Orange Line station, which we will temporarily convert into a bike-park at 3:00PM, where early arrivals may enjoy a casual game of polo, prepare their face-paints or masks, eat delicious food from a lunch truck, or enjoy the end of the ongoing festivities of the day on Sherman Way before we organize and ride out toward the sun as it begins to set.

At approximately 4:00 PM we will en masse, ride north to Sherman Way re-grouping for a brief moment at the bike-park of El Pollo Loco.

When the sun begins it's descent behind the hills to the West, we will don our festive visages without delay and ride TWO MILES as a respectful and orderly procession through the city of Winnetka and FOLLOWING the festival grounds into the HEART of Canoga Park, where we may pay our respects to the dead as we pass though to Topanga Canyon boulevard, then heading south a few metres. Our procession will end with festivites of our own at yet another bike-park just steps from the festival grounds, where I will personally hand out the special spoke cards and perhaps pass on the torch to the next rider who is worthy and capable of bearing the weight of my own visage, if all goes as-planned or better.

I have sent out a call to action to all of the brave and capable leaders, who's rides I and my associates have had the pleasure and privilege of attending thus far, to congregate on this most solemn and glorious of occasions as we let the dead rise and ride once more.

More details revealed in the coming weeks. Thank you in advance for your patience, interest, and participation in the revolucion.

Follow the trail: The fight to end the necessity of ghost bikes..

Discuss the details:Rise of the Dead Ride

Confirm your presence: the book of the dead

Hasta la victoria! Llegara pronto!

See you there!

All respects,

Tivu Chesterbaum

Posted by tivu

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