
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Drama Ride!


Westwood Park (Ohio & Sepulveda)




Dress like your favorite movie / play / musical character,
or in the most appropriate dramatic costume you can conjure.

Shit, this is the chance you've been looking for to have your voice heard!!
This is the time to be out with your drama InRealLife™ !!


(based on performance throughout the ride)


-sweet costumes
-ability to freestyle
-bullhorns (megaphones)
-mobile soundsystems
-raging til the sun rises
-ficus trees
-electric shocking devices


Do you have drama with other ridazz?
(+1 for each rida)

Do you ever troll Midnight Ridazz forums?
(+1 for each troll account)

Do you have dramatic friends?
(+1 for each person)

Have you caused drama that you are "unaware" of?
(+1 for each situation)

Do you just really like dramatic performances?
(+1 for each movie, musical, or play)


How did you score?

0 points: You should come on this ride because we really need you to be more dramatic.

5-10 points: You should come on this ride to see how it's really done.

10-15 points: You should come on this ride because real drama deserves real life.

15-20 points: You should come on this ride to pick on the drama noobs.

20+ points: You should just come on the ride, sit back and enjoy the show.


Posted by jonnyboy

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