UPDATE for The 1st Annual Swine Flu Ride - Brought to you jointly by the CDC and Team Midnight Ridazz

I would have posted the specifics of this ride earlier but I couldn't drag myself out of bed... this damned Swine Flu is really interferring in my training. But I'm not alone. Due to the extreme closeness of Team Midnight Ridazz and the copious amounts of bodily fluids we swap amongst ourselves,we're all in the same boat... sick as dogs... or pigs... or whatever.
We invite you to cough and sneeze and share your germs with ours Sunday, May 3rd for the first of what the CDC and WHO promise will be the first of many more Swine Flu Rides.
This will be about a 65 mile ride with about 6500 feet in elevation gain. Mmmm, can't you smell the bacon burning already...
258 S. Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills
Meet at 8AM
Ride at 8.30
Call me at 310.228.7522 if you're running late
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.