All City Toy Ride - Pre-party Space Prep
Meet: Chinatown Goldline Station
Ride out: 5:50 sharp
Casual work at the space: 6pm - 8pm
If you want to help with the toy ride, here is your chance!
We are going to prepare the space for the All CityToy Ride After party.
If you are thinking about, playing, djing, projecting or decorating for our party, or just want to help out,
this is a great opportunity to meet the
team and see the space.
6pm - 8pm
If you can't make it before 5:50 and want to stop by to see the space, and possibly help out a little
anytime before 8p just call or email me
for directions.
three two three 793-5668
trickmilla -at- aol -dot- com
If all goes well, I suppose we will go find food and or drinks after.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.