Bicycle Bell Ensemble Plays LA Freewaves
We will Ride Hollywood and Perform at LA Freewave's Streetwise Mobile Media event.
We will meet at 6:30 in at the Bike District (Heliotrope at Melrose)
We will ride slow enough that ridazz of any age, any level, on any type of bike can join us.
We will have free Bells and free T-Shirts for all players.
This is serious art and serious music but we don't take ourselves too seriously to have serious fun.
6:30p : meet and distribute tee shirts, spoke-cards and bells
7:00p : Rehearse bell music
8:00p sharp: Ride/play
9pm sharp: arrive at Hollywood and Hudson for our performance
For More information check the thread: HERE
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.