IAAL•MAF Spinvitational No. 8: The Scoot 'N Shoot Ride
Thugsday, August 21
START TIME: Gathers at 7:30 p.m.; Departs at 8 p.m.
It's been a few months since our last organized ride so we in the International Association of Armed Librarians • Mobile Assault Force (IAAL*MAF) are figuring it's high time to get another one in our occasional series of public spinvitationals out there on the open road -- and this time we're getting back to our roots.
Backstory: In the day before there was an IAAL, its co-founders Sean Bonner and Michael Baffico would like to make occasional forays to gun ranges to "get the lead out," so to speak. Michael's main squeeze at the time, loathed pretty much everything related to and regarding firearms -- even the very words -- so when those days came around that he wanted to take his guns and join his comrade in arms and go shoot the shit out of paper targets in controlled environments, Sean Michael would tell her he was going to the "library." It is from that humble deception that your International Association of Armed Librarians movement was birthed. Later, when Sean and Michael discovered the joys of bicyclingz was the Mobile Assault Force formed, and included various core elite members such as yours truly Agent Orange, Mack "Daddy" Reed, Mr. "Mr. Rollers" Rollers, Spencer "Psychlo" Cross, and Ingrid "Why Yes, I Am A Librarian Actually" Peterson. Since that time the IAAL•MAF has grown to number associates in the tens of thousands. Or maybe just tens.
Anyway. I dropped all that historic context on you because our next spinvitational, as you might tell from the promo art, is going to involve bikes and guns -- but not simultaneously! -- and you're all invited to come Scoot 'N Shoot with us. The Scoot part will involve an approximately 13 mile meandering route in and around downtown beginning and ending at the Arts District site of a lot of our previous rides: Factory Place, a half-block east of Alameda. (map). Immediately after the ride we will be visiting the Los Angeles Gun Club, also located on Factory Place. If there's time after maybe some of us will adjourn to the Seven Grand bar for some excellent whiskeyz.
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS -- If you're neither familiar nor a fan of gunnery stuff, it's totally OK if you join us for the ride but don't join us on the firing line. In fact, we would encourage those with little or no experience with firearms and gun ranges NOT to for the simple reasons of 1) We want to go and shoot, we won't really have the time or energy to tutor other people how to shoot, 2) the more is not necessarily the merrier as it takes time to individually fill out all the paperwork and follow all the procedures and finally get to the point where your ready to go bangbang, and 3) it costs pretty good money; the prices of the gun rental, the cost of the bullets, targets and range time can run you upwards of $40 or more, per person.
AND THEN THERE ARE THE REGULATIONS -- Pay heed. The first 21 rules of LA Gun Club are:
1 To rent a firearm you must be a gun owner or in a party of two or more.
2 To purchase ammunition in the State of California you must be 21 years of age or older.
3 All weapons and ammunition must be inspected at the counter prior to admission to the range. No exceptions!!
4 No steel jacket, brass jacket, semi jacketed, exposed lead, soft or hollow point bullets allowed. Full metal jacket only!!
5 No black powder.Pistol caliber rifles only.
6 No persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs allowed.
7 Valid pictured identification is required to enter the range.
8 Persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
9 Everyone must wear eye and hearing protection while in the range.
10 While in the range: No smoking, No eating, No drinking
11 No holstered weapons or quick draw shooting allowed.
12 No more than 2 shooters in a booth without range officer approval.
13 Load and unload weapons inside of the booth only. This is very important.
14 Never point a firearm at anyone!! Always have your firearms pointed in a safe direction. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded!!
15 Never pass your firearms to another person until the cylinder or action is open and you have visually checked that it is unloaded!!
16 Never bring a loaded weapon out of the range!! If your gun malfunctions lay it in the booth facing down range and notify the range officer.
17 No rapid fire allowed with rental guns. One shot every 2 seconds maximum.
18 Rental guns must be used only with our reload ammo for insurance reasons. If we catch you using your ammo, you will be charged $100.00.
19 The red line at 21 feet is the minimum target distance.
20 You cannot take out any brass from the range!! No exceptions!! Reloaders, brass keepers, brass stealers, please go elsewhere!!
21 No pregnant women allowed inside the range. The noise will damage the fetus.
MORE THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND -- We'd strongly prefer, in fact we shall insist that any participants NOT be carrying during the ride itself. Pretty much sure that's illegal anyway. And maybe it goes without saying but I'll say it anyway: any gun transported must be done so unloaded and in some sort of case. Don't be showing up with your Saturday Night Special in a tied-up pillow case.
Sorry, but if you are underage and you're interested in shooting you will need to bring your own legal guardian. Vouching for fellow riders will be discouraged. And probably won't be tolerated by the fine folks at L.A. Gun Club.
There are weapons for rent at the L.A. Gun Club, but if you are planning on bringing your own, a couple options come to mind:
1) You could drive one of them motorized vehicles to the start and secure your weapon in your vehicle during the ride.
2) You can attempt to gain the favor of IAAL co-founder Michael who lives where the ride will be gathering and departing downstreet from the L.A. Gun Club and get his permission to store your weapon at his place, but it goes without saying that he totally reserves the right to say hell no.
3) You can attempt to check-in and store your weapon with the L.A. Gun Club while we go on the ride, but that's between you and L.A. Gun Club.
So whether it's to run with us or gun with us or both, we hope you'll join us August 21.
Message Board (click here to discuss this ride.)
Contact info for this ride: Will "Agent Orange" Campbell at wildbell@gmail.com
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.