Southbay Cruisers: A Pirate's Life for Me - Barbecue & Karaoke Ride
WHAT: A 10 mile social bike ride at a slow to moderate pace through the streets and neighborhoods of Hermosa and Redondo Beach. We will ride to a special pirate/dance mix coming from the soul cycle stereo system. We will finish off with a barbecue and karaoke at Valley Park in Hermosa Beach.
We will meet at our usual spot in front of:
The Lighthouse Cafe
30 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach,CA 90254
Ride meets at 7:00PM/Rides at 7:30PM
WHAT TO BRING: FOOD!!! Hot dogs, marshmellows, buns, ketchup, mustard, chips, non alcoholic drinks - if you want to eat it then you need to bring it! We will have a certain amount of food available to you that you can have at the ride available on a donation basis-details to follow. We will also ask for a small donation to pay for charcoal and lighter - i really don't know what that costs but I'm guessing it's not expensive-details to follow.
WHAT TO WEAR: Anything pirate related. You don't need to go crazy spending a $100 on an outfit. Be creative...a red skarf and a cardboard sword attached to a black belt can get the point across pretty cost effectively. Those of you with a parrot at home, throw it on your shoulder and come on out. Pirate flags are always cool - attach a small one to your handle bars. COSTUMES ARE NEVER REQUIRED TO ATTEND OUR RIDES...but wearing them does make it more fun.
BE READY TO HOWL AT THE MOON, SING & DANCE! - We will have our karaoke setup with new added songs and lyrics!
Details to be posted on our website: soon. In the mean time, send questions to

Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.