All City Toy Ride Silver Lake Feeder
All City Toy Ride Silver Lake Feeder Ride Meet at 7:30 at the Sunset Triangle 1515 Griffith Park Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Spoke Cards for people with toy donations only ALL CITY TOY RIDE - DAT 1 Okay its that one time of the year where we all get to together & donate toys for the lil orphans or any kid in need this holiday season. bring one small unwrapped toy for boy or girl to get you ticket to the after party. i will be making spokecards for the ride & other ride leaders to trade once we meet up. this ride will be joining up with other feeder rides along the way & will head to Placita Olvera for the big group meet up & toy drop off.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.