ART CRASH *******Bird’s Eye View
Our ever watchful bird has an eye for art. Soaring, drifting, circling and constantly watching. She has given us a sign that the time is ripe for another Art Crash. With her we shall descend upon the art scene of Los Angeles like birds of the same feather. She will lead us through the streets in search and discovery of contemporary art. The journey we will embark upon together may take us high but only the bird shall fly close enough to the sun the get burned. Her sacrifice will, in the end, be necessary for our salvation. __________________________________ Come fly with us on Saturday May 11th. We’ll meet at the LACMA Urban Light at 5:00 pm and be ready to roll at 5:30 pm. Stay behind the bird because you don’t want to fly faster that the rest of the flock nor will you know where you are flying to. We want to keep the flock together because it’s more fun that way. We roll slow and no one will be left behind because of speed. It’s not a hustle. We’ll try and stop for anyone who needs to perform quick and minor repairs but keep in mind that due to the gallery schedules this might not always be possible. Ride with a friend and keep in touch with others who can guide you in to the next gallery. Bring a working bicycle, roller skates or anything that doesn’t have an internal combustion engine. The important thing here is “working” and maintained but bring spare tubes and tools. We’ll do a beverage stop somewhere along the way but don’t consume too much for reasons that should be obvious. Most of all, it’s meant to be fun so come and have some with us. __________________________________ I would like to make an open request. Please bring items to fill the Piñata up. There will be spoke cards within our Piñata but if you think that that’s not enough please contribute. Contribute and get a spoke card! Photos: Instagram hashtag #artcrash Saturday May 11th at 5pm LACMA Urban Lights
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.