PoppyCOCk Social #271
Poppycock social PopPYcOCK MoM ThuRsDay #271 Sunset/Beaudry New PoppYCOck HQ Meet 8:30pm Roll 9:30pm Theme: it was.......49 times "Rain or shine (darkness) " MoM Ridaz & Team 5150 collaborate to spew Poppycock all ova yo mamma's ass... If you dont know anyone at the start, you'll end up loving everyone by the end !!!!! This will be a chill ride. What to bring: NoGlove No♡�♡�♡ (love) Helmet I.D F.U.N working bike Booze Budd TUBES & TOOLS MoM Ridaz: patches Other clubs: patches What not to bring; Stealing Bad attitude Bitch A$$ attitude Drama Children Segregation No cockblocking only politicking If you want a hustle go somewhere else ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Disclaimer ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ YOU RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO ONE ON THIS RIDE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE ELSE. THIS RIDE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR: Feelings Bites Human bites Unwanted WWF WORLD Champion title A$$umptions Ebola Pets/Animals Deportation Pregnancies Hospital bills Diarrhea Jealously Heartbreak Heartburn Strep Throat Stalking Screenshot Mafia Accusations STD's Bitchitis Fail family planning Failed relationships Illness Divorce Eviction Loss of job Loss of mind Loss of self respect Loss of friendships Bug bites Measles Gut Rot You being sober Injuries Death Theft Loss or damage to person or property. 1st -4th degree burns Tickets Arrests Detoxxx Infections Vincent urination Vladimir urination Vaginal secretions Ninja banging your mom
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.