Art Crash ----Feeder Ride ->>>>>> ALL CITY TOY RIDE XI
Once apart a time in Los Angeles all the Midnight Ridazz in town are celebrating together .....
this is the Art Crash Feeder Ride from LACMA Urban Lights to ALL CITY TOY RIDE XI
dress festive, decorate your bike ........
bring a toy for donation!
meet at LACMA Urban Light
at: 7:30pm
leaving at 7:50pm
Donation goes to:
" COA, Christian Outreach in Action,
Every year they have a Christmas party where homeless families can come and enjoy the holiday in a warm, safe, and loving environment.
Last year they gave away toys to about 2,000 homeless children.
aside from toys, acceptable donations are backpacks, toiletries, jackets, hoodies, etc.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.