Knight Riders: BB&K Friday Nights Ride
Knight Riders: Bikes, Brews, & Kush!
Theme: Turkey Burnout
Meet & Greet: 8:00 PM
Spinning Spokes: 9:30 PM
Location: 758 Valencia St. Los Angeles, CA 90017
Another week of BB&K same place and same time over at The Valencia Triangle located on 8th Street and
Valencia Street. We roll out to a store for snacks and drinks then to a rest stop to enjoy aforementioned
snacks and drinks. As usual the sound system may or may not be present but the ride goes on. Spoke cards
are back and will be once a month with a random Friday, all is free just arrive early. Bring the essentials
needed for a bike ride don’t bring a bike ready to blow up.
Be prepared to boogie down, bring some money to buy some drinks. The sound system may/will be in full
effect to boogie down all night. Leave the drama at home and come on down to have some fun with the Knight
Riders, meet new riders, see old friends, etc.
Stay safe by riding safe! Stay to the right! Stay behind the ride leader!
CALL OUT: Cars, Holes, Cracks, Dips, & bumps. If a rider falls call it out "Rider down" or if there is a flat call it
out "Flat"
Bike friendly / Beer friendly / 420 friendly
Let’s make more memories together!
Knight Riders L.A.!!!
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.