Wednesday Night Outlaws
Wedenesday Night Outlaws
Theme: Ride In Paradise
Pace: Mid Pace
Location: Pasadena Central Park
Meet: 8:30PM
Roll: 9:30PM
Hey guys/gals here comes another week of WNO lets ride and have some fun as always and make new friends or see familiar faces.
Remember no riders left behind, always call out potholes/bumps, stay right and call out cars. Lets have fun as we ride through our beautiful
streets, ride safe and hope to see you out.
This week we will visit a rider who is no longer with us an old friend that some might know and might not. I ask that you please bring
something to contribute it can be a candle, beer, non working bike part to hang, anything that will benefit the monument. I will personally do
my best to bring out a poster for us to leave a message to our friend. Ride safe and lets show love to our friend who is no longer with us.
For those who plan to catch the train back we always make it in time before the last train.
Working Bike
Positive Vibes
Dont Bring:
Broken Bike that will blow up
Hustle this isnt the ride
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.