Midnight Ridazz: October 2017 :Lost and Lonely Ride
Seven years ago, today, a friend of _someone_ you know, fucked off, ate shit, and died. It was a sad day for a lot of us. But there was one thing to know, If you ever met him, you knew thing, you never felt alone. Unfortunately I won't be able to lead his memorial ride this week. But I'm still organizing it. It's on you to carry his story. There will be no spoke cards. There will be no ride leader. The format is this: MEET: Echo Park Lake Boathouse 9PM RIDE: To liquor store, buy all the Steel Reserve. BRING: Cribbage and play at the Boathouse SING: Happy Birthday All Night DRINK: Cans of Steel Reserve POUR: One out for the Backwards Saint LISTEN To pop music, especially Miley Cyrus SHARE This post on your social media MAKE Friends with the friendless (If you don't know what friends of the friendless is, you go out and ride, and you find someone riding by themselves, and you ride with them, and try to make friends. Once they have officially joined your ride, you go and find someone else!)
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.