Wednesday Night Outlaws
Wedenesday Night Outlaws
Theme: Race Day #1
Pace: Chill - Mid Pace
Location: Pasadena Central Park
Meet: 8:30PM
Roll: 9:30PM
Hey guys/gals here comes another week of WNO, we will attempt to bring back the 'Summer Series'
like we use to back in the day. Prizes
will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place, all prizes will be donated by me (Edwin). This is a 5 week
series where you will have to attend and
rack up your point. Fixed Gear Vs Roadie in a mash up.
Race #1 - Head to Head Sprints
Rules are as follows:
- Helmets recommended
- Roadies (Open to any gear)
- Fixed Gear (Brakes or Brakeless)
- 1st place = 10pts, 2nd place = 7pts, 3rd place = 5pts
- You race at your own risk
- No entry fee
We will ride as we normally do and end it with a series of friends racing, spread the word its all free just
come out and race!
For those who plan to catch the train back we always make it in time before the last train.
Working Bike
Positive Vibes
Dont Bring:
Broken Bike that will blow up
Hustle this isnt the ride
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.