SCUMBAGS 4th of July bash/ DETH-MOTO II
Hello fellow SCUMBAGS, we have an exciting weekend planned for the 3rd and 4th of July, hope you can make it to some or all of what we have planned.
On the 3rd we have Coaster Brake Challenge 16 heat #1, more info for that can be found at Atomic
The next day for the 4th of July, we're going to ascend SCUMBAG Point in the Verdugo Mountains. This is a MTB ride of medium difficulty.
Meet at the corner of Glenoaks and Olive by the gas station in Burbank at 7:30 am we roll at 8:00 am.
After the ride we will re-locate to Paul's house where we will begin eating nitrate filled meat tubes (I'll make my rad humus for non-meat eating types) and most of you will be drinking of the beer, for this I have a keg I will provide. Food stuffs will be had for free too, if you want to bring something that is welcomed but not expected.
Once people are sufficiently sloshed, worn out, sun burned etc and the sun begins to peak below the horizon we will begin Deth-Moto II.
Deth-Moto rules are simple:
You die. Or,
The bike dies.
Last one left is the winner.
30 second down time is equal to an out.
RSVP me for my address as I don't want the whole world showing up to my house, mess of friends would be nice though. Feel free to spread it around if you'd like as I can't get a hold of everyone I know. :) See you then!!
Paul de Valera Gamers Local 2112
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.